To whom it may concern - 4/19/90:
I am Baba Ito, a healer of light, most know and call Reiki now. I have received
more than forty testimonials to date that have been submitted to me from people
who have benefited from the healing's that was given. Majority of them were
homeless people who I have spent time with in the past several years. I also
have been homeless off, and on during this time. I had been going to the Unity
Temple Church in Santa Cruz California for Sunday services, Rev. Emily Sanford
was the minister of church. In March of 1988 I spoke with her one day regarding
major problems that needed attention in a hurry. I urged her to contact other
Unity ministers around the country congregation, and affiliate organizations.
That there was a need to get to the politicians and give them the messages.The
ministries congregations, and friends to make them aware of the necessity to get
my messages out and worked on. I also sent her several homeless tapes then with
the messages on them, as I was traveling out of the area. On them were
documentation of the healing's given, as I walked the streets with the homeless
citizens. The messages given are as follows. (To shut down of all nuclear energy
on the planet.) (All Wars must top now) (Birth control worldwide) (Organic
Growing) (Vegetarianism) (One World Government) and (Assistance for the homeless,
and the poor worldwide) A portfolio containing the messages went into twenty
church's, including the Chinese Church, and Temple El-Manuel in San Francisco,
which included forty healing testimonials, along with other conscious raising
issues. These ministries were some of the most powerful, and influential of
different denominations, I could get to at that time, in northern California. I
personally dropped off the portfolios. My letters and messages to the ministries
also included prophecy that a major earthquake was headed this way, and that
the Diablo Nuclear Energy Plant should be shut down for greater safety. The
prediction for the first quakes to Northern California were in writing, and on
audio tape for mid -September and mid- October. September, earthquake registered
a 5.7 in, October was 7.1 magnitude. Many of my prophecy's are within a hundred
hours of audio the tape recordeings from 1989-96 and now all the tapes are
prophecy. I named them the homeless tapes dedicated to Leon Panetta, who became
Chief of staff for Bill Clinton, which was predicted to him. Chelsea Clinton who
was about ten years old then. I dedicated the rest. I plan on condensing and
streaming a short version for the Internet some day. May be put them in a
library's. All is prophecy now to date.May thirty, two-thousand & eight, Twenty-years
have slipped by, now what more can I say ? And you still can't hear me or see me.
I realized it will take a great force, greater then mind. Who is just a message
prophet, wo tries to break through now. Twenty years you have been given much
grace till now. The prophecy's are coming true, and for humanity to realized,
aaand themselves. Much later then I hoped unfortunately. Birth control is
needed now. In truth and light, I am of the Syrian Antioch Church/Church of
Reverend Baba Ito
To whom it may concern - 6/12/88:
My name is Baba Ito, I am a hands-on light healer, call it a Reiki master. I
have more than twenty testimonials that have been submitted to me by the people
who have benefited from the healing's. The majority of them are the homeless. I
have been amongst the homeless for the past few years. I have been ordained as
a minister of the Syrian Antioch Church. Ordained for a healing ministry such
like Jesus had, a street ministry by archbishop Harold Freedmen. I am not a
preacher I am a healer. The Syrian Antioch church is where John the Baptist was
placed to rest. For the past few years I have been going to the Unity Temple at
Ocean and Broadway in Santa Cruz for Sunday services. Reverend Emily Sanford is
the minister there. Recently I spoke with her in the court yard regarding my
work. I did not mention I was also ordained, not to long there after I sent her
a personal portfolio as i was traveling which included photo copies of healing
testimonials along with two or three audio tapes regarding homeless issues that
I had been documenting in the streets. On these tapes you can hear the actual
healing's given in the streets and testimonials that came from some of the
people that benefited from the laying on of hands. These healing's primarily
took place on the streets of Santa Cruz, Hate Ash bury, Berkeley, as well as
other places in Northern California. There after I personally dropped off the
portfolio copies to approximately twenty churches with the testimonials
including Temple Emanuel in San Francisco and the Chinese church across the
street. All the churches were between Santa Cruz and Sausalito just across the
golden gate bridge from San Francisco in Northern California. I never met with
the clergy or went back to the churches again. I did have plans to meet with
the ministers of the churches, it didn't happen. I stayed in touch with Rev.
Emily Sanford of the Unity Temple for a short time and then just moved on with
my ministry work. In the portfolio, the contents included the following messages.
I asked her in the court yard as I recall, to get to other Unity Ministries and
there congregations regarding the messages in the portfolio which were. The
Shutdown of all Nuclear energy here. All Wars must stop now. That the planet is
heating up it was then (1988) I felt that the church could help. Obviously it
would help bring in the Christ consciousness and would raise the vibrations
simultaneously. It would save millions of species and even help curb the
greenhouse effect, if done. Birth control worldwide, Alternative energy, One
world government and vegetarianism. Once we accomplish this we would be making
great change. also starting with Diablo nuclear energy plant it must be shut
down for safety leaks radiation. A prophecy was made that a major
earthquake was heading this way. Let us all work together to save ourselves and
this beautiful planet earth that was a given from Gods creation be for it's to
late, not many paid attention to my messages. Humanity wasn't ready. sorry to
Reverend Baba Ito
Message the mission 6-15-1990:
I walk in the streets amongst the homeless citizens. I began to run audio tapes
to document history. I call them the homeless tapes. Which were recorded between
1989-1996 dedicated to Leon Panetta and Chelsea Clinton. They consist of some
thirty hours of interviews in the streets of Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Berkeley
and other locations in northern California. They reached eventually a hundred
hours of documentation between 1989-1996 seven years recorded. On these tapes is
the truth about what is going on in the streets of this country: The homeless
persecuted, suffering, police abuse, harassment. There are recorded healing's,
predictions of earthquakes you name it. Many of the same buildings, street
musicians, locations are not the same. Since the Loma Prieta Earthquake of
October 17,1989 that hit Santa Cruz California hard and did havoc to the Pacific
Mall. I witnessed the collapse. I was there as it fell. Many of the tapes were
made on that main street an open mall in Santa Cruz California. The tapes were
made in order to bring middle class America into the streets, without the
da99nger and stress of going out there to find out what was really going on in
the streets of this country regarding the homeless citizens. On these audio
tapes you can hear many testimonials of healing's that I have given. The
warnings that I have stated of coming catastrophes of the next ten-fifteen years.
Which now is all prophecy documented for you. I hope that all those who hear
these tapes will find them informative as well as interesting. A wake up of
another reality that most of you haven't experienced at this point. My future
plans include meeting with the Kahuna shamans of Hawaii. Then further travels
and meetings with other shamans, and spiritual masters through out the world.
The main objective is to bring the masters together under one roof for the
purpose of helping sat song to lead the world leaders into peaceful solutions
regarding wars, and the healing of the earths environment. To set up the first
sustainable spiritual centers of its kind. Regarding this and many essential
issues that your politicians wouldn't go the same way. Many meetings regarding
the first sustainable city on earth will be needed. I have the understanding for
the infrastructure to share. We can work towards the solution of many other90
environmental problems together. And to bring about world sustainable peace as
well at the sane time. This will achieve a much more harmonious existence with
one another and all other life on this planet, Gods Creation. We must all work
together towards these goals as i have and wrote the new world vision first in
short in 1975. The raising of our own consciousness here can only happen when
we are at peace and in a peaceful civil way. Then the vibrations here on earth
will rise into unity if we do it. The environment is the most important aspect
of your lives provided you want to remain in your body on this earth.
Love, Light and Blessings, Babaji
New Messages
Message to the Isreal & Palestine leaders:
Regarding the sudden bus attack & rocket attacks. Don't attack back, tit for tat never worked. You will escalate.. This hit is for a major war. What is needed is for you to find out why hamas has called for the attacks. Obvious to me they want to wipe out there so called enemy. I am pretty sure i know why and what will happen if you go the same ususal way. You will kill a lot of innocent, women, children. This can easily escalate across other boarders & bring in many jihad fighter from else where. Bottom line is get into communication with hamas leaders directly. Ego/pride is not going to get any where just more people killed, you will never have peace in the mid east.
this message is for all hamas & jihadist as well, chill out. If isreal attacks it's going to get real ugly. Isreal & palestine people. I know what you wan't. All listen to your messenger now. Do the message it will work. I know there are many out side forces invovled. . Please have patients or you will die by the tens of thousands. Isreal you could trust what i say. I can see the big picture. All hold it up, palestine needs to be a free state. Don't procrastanate this issue any longer or you will have a third world war soon.
(posted April 2, 2011)
Message to humanity:
My prayers go out to the people in Japan. That they may find a solution through the sun. And that all brothers & sisters on earth pray for Gods children there. And help in anyway they can. May there be Peace & Unity on this earth. In the name of whatever you call God. His power is here & wrath as it or apears to be or is it just man's karma that brings us so much destruction. It is your choice to change within the will, which was given onto all mankind. I take no sides personally. I am neutral, just a messenger for humanity. You must find your salvation now.
(posted March 17, 2011)
Message To The People Of Libya:
It Would Be A Much Better To Nogotiate Through Talks & Communication For Your Needs & Desires. Then To Go Into A Toe To Toe Battle. Then To Give Your Life, Not To Be Able To See The Light Of The Next Day. You Can Bring On Peace & Change, Simply That Way. I Suggest You All Pray Together On That Statement. Sending Light & Blessing\'s To The People Of Libya.
Chill It Out Before It Is To Late..may There Be Peace..sending Light & Blessings.
Ababa Shaika
(posted March 8, 2011)
Message to Ayatollah Kemeni:
Do not hang Sakineh Mohammadi. She is Allah's daughter, in his will, she was given that right from Allah. No leader or leaders in Iran, "IS" Allah or Muhammad. I will be addressing the attacks on the Syrian Antioch Church in Iraq. I will fully explain my position regarding Jihad. My view point of the infidels's. Do not attack the Iraqi people that choose Jesus as there savior. Allah gave you all his free will. You are not Moses, He who received the laws from God & were written for all. mankind. Hold your horses up & do not judge me.. All is an illusion here.. We can come together under certain terms. The policy regarding the Palestinian people will take a turn in the near future & Iranians favor. Just cool it down, There is a reason for everything. I am your messenger, If you don't except that. Then you don't except Allah.Sending Life, Love,& Light,
Blessing's not death to my brothers & sisters, his children you are... I know the way, no one ever said it would be easy. You must get out of the confusion. Many don't understand you,
I am here for all mankind. it's not what it looks like now.
"Just hold your back".
Rev, Baba Syrian Antioch Church, Sheikh Ababa.
(posted November 3, 2010)
Message To humanity:
"All Will Repent." It's Just A Matter Of Time. The Light Is The True Power Here. Most All Are Lost In The Dark Confusion Within Them Selves, And Now In Despare. Many Except Not The Truth Which Is Only In The Light. But The Oposite You Live By To Put It Out. And As You Killed Jesus Along With Most Of The Other Prophets. Who Have Come To Show You The Way. You Now Will Loose Control Of Those You Minipulate And Lied To Them. Judge Not As You Now Are Being Judged. You Will Face The Karma You Have Created For Yourselves In Past. Now In That Confusion You Are Working Within. When You Harm Another In Any Way You Are Doing Satans Work. Then Who Are You? What Does This Do For You And Those Who Follow The Same Ways. The One That Breaks The Laws Of God, Allah/adanoi/johova, The Same One Who Judges You. Through My Eyes I Can See, My Ears I Can Hear. I Am Not The Deaf And Blind. I Am Your Messenger Prophet Worldwide. You Don't Know Me, So Be It, As You Don't Know God.
All Salutations To The Lord.
(posted August 13, 2010)
Message to humanity:
According to the mystical point of view, if it were not for the moon the whole
cosmos would go to pieces, for the reason that the central currents of the sun
are functioning in the moon, which reflects the light of the sun in fullness.
The difference is that as it is only the reflection of the sun, though a full
reflection, it has finer currents of light. These are soft, cooling, attractive,
and beautiful. Therefore, the light of the sun is called Jalal by the Sufi's,
and the light of the moon Jamal. The former expresses power, the latter beauty.
The former is creative, the latter responsive. It is the sun which has the light;
the moon possess the light of the sun, not its own. God is the Knower, and the
All wise, and the one who gives His message gives God's knowledge, not his own.
What the moon may seem to give as light, is not its own. It is the light of the
sun; and so it has been with the messengers at all times. People have heard them
speak, and therefore they called it the message of Buddha or of Christ or of
Muhammad; but in reality the message was always God's. Ababa's.
(posted December 12, 2009)
Message to humanity:
Every office in the world is accompanied by a certain amount of vanity, and
vanity is the greatest enemy of spiritual people. Then there is always the
jealousy of human nature at work, and also the competition and rivalry that give
stimulus to life in the world. That is why the office has always been concealed
by the spiritual office-holders, except by the teachers who had to give the
message of God to the people. And how many in the world would not believe the
teacher unless they knew he was the office-bearer from God!. Every office in the
world is accompanied by a certain amount of vanity, and vanity is the greatest
enemy of spiritual people. Then there is always the jealousy of human nature at
work, and also the competition and rivalry that gives stimulus to life in the
world. That is why the office has always been concealed by the spiritual office-holders,
except by the teachers who had to give the message of God to the people. And how
many in the world would not believe the teacher unless they knew he was the
office-bearer from God! you cannot know your messenger in your own country
then you forsake him, all have a lot of home work to do, good luck. Ababa
(posted December 12, 2009)
Message to all decision makers:
I know there are many that disagree with me??and will??take a different view point.??regarding
uping the anti on the war in Afghanistan: You need to reduce troops in
Afghanistan not increase the occupation??to get peace. Bring all American??and
foreign??soldiers back to there home land??to their??families. "you need not wait"?
this is the only way to find a beginning for a peaceful solution??in??the Mideast
then worldwide.??sending blessings. Ababa.
Message to humanity:
The Message? Where does it come from? How is it received by the souls who
deliver it? These questions often arise in enquiring minds. And the answer is
that the message is like rain, and rain falls where it is needed and when it is
needed. But does the rain come from above? It seems to come from above, but it
first rises from below. As the vapors rise first from the sea and turn into
clouds, so every aspect of knowledge gained by all beings rises upwards like
vapor, forming into clouds as ideas, and again falling from above like rain.
There are very many names for the seas, rivers, and streams, but they all
contain water. And there are various names for religions, but they all contain
the wisdom given at different times in different ways. There is lightning, there
is thunder, and the rain falls; and there are wars and disasters before the
message comes. Storms are very often warnings of what is to follow, and the
different kinds of battles and revolutions are often warnings before the coming
of peace.
It is sometimes asked why, if God is all-pervading, there is need of the special
manifestation of a messenger such as Krishna, Buddha, or Jesus. The answer is
given in the words of the Bhagavad-Gita where Shri Krishna says, 'When Dharma is
hindered, then I am born.' This means that a manifestation, which the people
recognize as a savior or messenger, always comes when the necessity arises. In
other words, it is necessity, it is the need of the world which causes the
Spirit to arise in its true form.
(posted November 15, 2009)
The work of the master is to protect individuals and to safeguard the world, to
keep away disasters that might be caused by the inharmony of the nature both of
individuals and of the collectivity. It is to help those who are feeble but in
the right, who are weak but just, when they are opposed by a powerful enemy. The
work of the saint is to console the wretched, to take under the wings of mercy
and compassion those left alone in life, to bless the souls that he meets on his
The way of the prophet is more balanced, for in the life of the prophet there is
a balance of these two attributes: the power of attainment and the patience to
be resigned to the will of God. So the prophet is at the same time both a
warrior and a peacemaker. This way is Kamal, that is, perfect or balanced. The
work of the prophet is not only in his own spiritual attainment, but he has a
service of great importance to perform. As the prophet goes through the five
stages on his way towards the fulfillment of his life's mission he acts as a
warner, a healer, a reformer, a lawyer, a teacher, a priest, and as a preacher.
Such service keeps the prophet away from what his soul always craves for, and
that is the solitude of the wilderness. He longs for one place, and he is put in
another place. The very soul who constantly yearns to flee from the crowd,
because of his mission is put in the very midst of the crowd. Thus the work of
the prophet in the world becomes as hard as if a person were asked to jump into
the water and then come out dry. He must live in the world and not be of the
world. However, it is very often the prophetic soul whose life's mission is to
serve humanity in time of need, and it is the fulfillment of this service which
makes Rasul, the messenger.
The prophet is the message-bearer. The prophet is both master and servant. The
prophet is a teacher and at the same time a pupil, for there is a great deal
that he must learn from his experience in life; not in order to make it possible
for him to receive the message, but in order to make himself capable of giving
the message. For God speaks to the prophet in His divine tongue, and the prophet
in his turn interprets it in the language of men, making it intelligible to them,
trying to put the most subtle ideas in the gross terms of worldly language.
Therefore not all that the prophet comes to give to the world is given in words,
but that which cannot be given in words is given without words. It is given
through his atmosphere, it is given by his presence. It is given by the great
love that gushes forth from his heart. It is given in his kind glance, and it is
given in his benediction. And yet the most is given in silence that no earthly
sense can perceive. The difference between human language and divine words is
this, that a human word is a pebble. It exists, but there is nothing further.
The divine word is a living word, just like a grain of corn. One grain of corn
is not only one grain. In reality it is hundreds and thousands, for in the grain
there is an essence which is always multiplying, and which will show perfection
in itself.
(posted November 8, 2009)
Message to the human race:
In the spiritual hierarchy there are seven grades of spiritual souls, and each grade is divided into two classes, Jalal and Jamal. And descending from the combination of these two spirits there comes a third line as a central line. This is the spirit of prophecy, which is called the Spirit of Guidance. It has never been necessary for any of the members of the hierarchy to make claims for themselves. In this world of falsehood there are many false claims, and in the worldly life even the real claims are no more true than false. Also, there is no reason why these claims should be made, since the holders of these offices can serve their purpose better by being silent than by announcing themselves. Every office in the world is accompanied by a certain amount of vanity, and vanity is the greatest enemy of spiritual people. Then there is always the jealousy of human nature at work, and also the competition and rivalry that give stimulus to life in the world. That is why the office has always been concealed by the spiritual office-holders, except by the teachers who had to give the message of God to the people. And how many in the world would not believe the teacher unless they knew he was the office-bearer from God! The lives of the teachers were the example and proof of their office. They had no other evidence but that. Miracles only became known afterwards. Legends were formed afterwards. Poems were made afterwards. Temples were built afterwards. Their following increased afterwards, and their words were valued afterwards. But during their lifetime they met with nothing but opposition and the inconstancy of their followers, who agreed one day and disagreed the next. They suffered all sorts of ordeals, even crucifixion.
(posted October 25, 2009)
Message to humanity:
The life of the prophet is like that of someone walking upon a rope: matter on
one side and spirit on the other; heaven on one side and earth on the other; the
imperfect self journeying towards perfection and at the same time bearing the
burden of numberless souls, many of whom have not yet learned to walk even upon
the earth. In the history of the prophets, at whatever time they have come on
earth, one reads of their struggle being fourfold: struggle with self, struggle
with the world, struggle with friends, and struggle with foes; and yet many
wonder why a prophet should be a warrior! Most people know that the Prophet
Muhammad was a warrior, but are unaware of the fact that Moses had the same
experience; and very few know that the whole lives of the prophets of India,
Rama and Krishna, were nothing but warfare from beginning to end. Their
scriptures are full of the wars and battles that went on all through their lives,
and if some prophets apparently did not have to wage war, then they had some
other form of warfare to go through. The blood of the martyrs was the foundation
of the Church, Ababa.
(posted September 6, 2009)
Message to humanity:
The seers and saints, who live a life of seclusion, are happy when compared with
he prophet, whose life's work is in the midst of the crowd. When he is known to
be a prophet, jealousy and prejudice arise. If he is not known, he can do but
little. When he goes into the world, the world absorbs him. When he thinks of
God, God attracts him. Thus his spirit is pulled from both sides; and this is
the meaning of the symbol of the cross. The prophet, representing God and His
message, is tested and tried and examined by every soul. A thousand searchlights
are thrown upon him; and he is not judged by one judge but by numberless judges.
Every soul is a judge and has its own law to judge him with. The mystic is free
to speak and act. What does he care what people think of him? The prophet,
however, must be careful what they think, not for himself, but for those who
follow him, Ababa.
(posted September 6, 2009)
Message to humanity:
The Prophet does not answer a question because he reads the mind. It is the mind
of the one who asks the question, which strikes, on the inner plane, that divine
bell which is the heart of the prophet and God, hearing the bell answers. The
answer comes as if words were put into the mouth of the prophet. Thus the
prophet need not ponder upon the question he is asked. The question
automatically draws the answer from him. This rule is applied not only to
individuals, but also to the multitude. A thousand people may be listening to a
prophet at the same time, each having a different question in his mind, and yet
the question of each one of them will be answered. In the same way the true
character of the sacred scriptures is such that even the book can answer the
question if a person opens it automatically in order to find the solution to a
certain problem. And if the book can give an answer, then one can expect more
from the prophet for the soul of the prophet is the living book. His heart is
the sacred scripture.
In the outer sense of the word religion is a form given to the worship of God,
and law given to a community to help them to live harmoniously. In the inner
sense of the word religion means a staircase, made for the soul to climb and
reach that plane where truth is realized. Both these aspects of religion may be
found in the words and in the soul of the prophet: his words, the law; his
message, the wisdom; and his being, that peace which is the seeking of every
soul. God has never manifested as Himself in this world of variety, where every
thing and every being, although it is a divine expression, yet has its
limitations. But if the world has been able to believe in God and to recognize
God in any being, it is in the godly, it is in the soul which reflects God. With
all the arguments for and against the divinity of Christ, no sincere believer in
God can deny that God has been reflected in the personality of the Master.
(posted August 16, 2009)
Message to humanity:
All things are delivered to me by my Father, and no man knows the Son, but the
Father; neither does any man know the Father, except the Son, and to whom the
Son will reveal him. This is why I say you can't serve two masters, that you
must not judge me, for you can't see me, as you couldn't see or even care about
the prophets before. You persecuted them, and destroyed them in your confusion
for they could go beyond your reason , and logic as God Is. And as you felt this
to be a threat to what you churished more than God, materiel toys, things can
bring you only false security, and enjoyment on thee surface for a while,when
you move on then you will face another reality of God in spirit. And as above so
below, everyone gets what they deserve, and will go where the karma will take
them. The power over others that money brings along false security, when you
realize this ill you will feel weak, confused, and lost. You don't truly know
what your doing, because your thoughts are not pure, and so the system you live
in became very corrupted over time, and divided from God, and Gods laws. Words
are truly cheap, and you have been living the lie for so long you believed it
yourselves, And this became ones reality. and will except only what little that
is understood. the fact is you are that, you are deaf, and blind. most of you
are self serving, and wants to control, by setting up a value system that is not
working for the whole of humanity, one once again operates from a narrow view
point, coming from tunnel vision. Then one is not in the same understanding as
the majority of the people, and actually gets lost in the material world.
(posted April 9, 2009)
New Year message warning to humanity:
Many are all programmed into war, evil, the illusion.and division. Duality, and
evil exists in the one who breaks Gods Laws, and deceives himself, denies it
then blames others. Since the beginning of mankind has never grown up beyond the
age of fourteen mentally, or these wars between them would not be going or for
so long, coming from the dark side of spirit the passions, desires from mans
mind come sin, and evil then apathy. Where is the wisdom? Left back in the
cosmos. One does not know oneself or his relation with the universal mind{GOD}
the greater creator of all here,and the universe. One does not know there true
self. So you need religion to go on the winding path to find the father, And
still more division created in religion, separates mankind from the true source.
Minds programmed in division, separate you from the other, causing the breaks
down of unity true love Materialism, selfishness, greed many caught for not
obeying, "God's Golden" Rules". "Thou shall not kill,." Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you", It is a mad, mad human race wasting away. Then who
are you? Think about it. You don't learn the truth in your school system which
just programs you into money, and all this non sense, like how to water it, and
screw every body else to hell with them then God. Money is more better to takes
Gods place. it can buy more things, and control more in this the material world.
The Hell with Gods world The hell with the golden rules. Now you all face Gods
Wrath. This is a dead movie going on and out for good. It needs a new producer
director. "I am that One". Message to defense minister Euad Barack you must
stop the bombing. Ismail you must stop the rocket attacks.This is going much to
far.You will all stop killing each other to begin to help each other Now, or
move on to your next world level of "Hell" This Is a Prophecy. End the war
games you program into evil ends, or you will meet with Gods wrath like never
before. What if it doesn't rain in the desert any more? Lighting strikes all
that is here. What will you do? What if God sends you large asteroids to take
you out of your suffering, and sick minds, and bodies. What if God decides to
move the planet off the magnetic, positive, negative, energy field force, and to
move the earth away from the sun. What will you do. All these serious scenarios
are very real, and possible. One does not want to find out or your more lost,
and stupid than ever realized.
(posted January 1, 2009)
Message to the President Elect of the
United States Of America Barack Obama:
Congratulations, God has chosen. May the Light be upon you to watch over you on
your sojourn here through out this world. An uphill battle so far well fought. A
break through the darkness, (yes you did.) Thy word is a lamp to your feet a
light to your path. You are on the path of the Christ Light. You shall have many
more to follow in the movement worldwide, for the light is light which lights
the path to the way for salvation. Beyond all tribes, religions, denominations,
nationalities in division. Yes Muhammad followed Jesus since he knew the way,
and both true sons of God, They were the messenger prophets in Gods family, and
always will be. Peace be upon them as well all the earth. God is the (One Light}
shining from above that maintains, sustains all life here. The best to you, and
your family, May the brotherhood yoke all people of all countries together on
earth for a balance into Peace, and Harmony, God Bless.
Rev. Baba Ito (aka} Rabbi Ababa Ito of the Syrian Antioch Church/Church of
(posted November 10, 2008)
Regarding Birth Control:
The most essential important message now given then ever before. Just think
about it Birth control. To many cars, food shortage already, facing water
problems in the near future. Funds to finance health insurance, teachers,
schools, politicians, police officers, armies, space projects, research projects,
endless government project the list goes on forever more. Yet the biggest
problems for survival is becoming the air we breathe, food we eat, water we
drink, shelter, not to mention nuclear arms. The more people on the planet the
bigger the problem is to resolve. So the first course of action is to limit the
human births that are arriving. They are arriving faster then ever before in
history, as more babies are born comes more babies and more problems for
survival of the human race with out the solution. It is a mathematical problem
that needs to be understood now and in the future if you want to survive. If you
want salvation you better be good at math and have some common sense. I feel if
my messages were heard and understood on the original three message letters of
1988 -1990, which are above this message to read. We wouldn't be in the fix we
are facing now. I prefer to keep this message short. It is time to wake up and
do the messages given.
Blessings, Reverend Baba Ito
(posted October 17, 2008)
God Bless the people of Russia, Iran, and the United States of America, as well
Georgia "Direct Communication" Is the only way to a peaceful solution, and
resolve. It is human to error, but these games people play is the Big ridiculous,
absurdity, & problem it's all of you now, and people don't keep there word so
they live by the lie. Then Big problem , denial, and blame. The leaders need to
break the programing that is into going to war, training other countries
soldiers for that purpose, Deprogram You can't get the love, and the light of
God. The game will exterminate the human race for good, because at this point in
time it has created ill effects on all other species, and the life on the planet.
The agression that caused Jihad holly war. What is needed is go to the cause,
and reverse it from that point. And last of all there is more then two view
points. The third, and most crucial point of view is God, your creator, the
supreme diety, who has all power over mankind. You won't be able to go into
denial on that "One" He needs no army to war. His the sun is watching over, and
sustaining all life here. This is a wake up, and a warning. ( All Wars MUst Stop}.
Rabbi Ito Ababa
(posted September 25, 2008)
Message of love:
Is love, I love the Muslim people, as the Jewish people. There is not much
difference other then concepts and interpretations in the religions, and the way
you dance. Mohammed loved Jesus, and Jesus was a Jew, as all of you are. You can
call yourself Muslims, Sufis or Christians the label makes no difference, you
are still Jewish. And since Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Jews, then how can
anyone be anything else? You have divided from the chosen, and the chosen have
divided, you all choose to be divided, that won't work, it is an illusion. God
is one as you will soon see. Israeli leaders and followers, you are killing your
neighbors they are your `cousins, then yourselves, if you continue on as you
have been you will be destroyed, along with many other innocent people in the
region. And as far as the Iranian people, ayatollah Komeni you need to get with
the Jewish rabbis and straighten out the confusion causing the fear and
divisional thinking. You are all wasting away, and America. The Americans need
you all, they need the most help, spiritually speaking, and they are a lost
society. There value systems are not based on the true spiritual values they
came from, and now it is happening the same way in the gulf region. The recent
attacks by the Indian Mujahedeen are foolish, evil and senseless. You don't like
Hindu people, yet they are the same as you are, with just a different religion
which is just a belief system and it is good that they have something they
believe in and that god has given that to them the same with his will. Krishna
is the same like Jesus and Mohammed who learn the way from Jesus teachings to
perfect his way. These deities would not do what the majahedeen has just done by
blowing up bombs in Bangalore, where there are wonderful people trying there
best to better themselves. You will not kill innocent Hindu people or you will
be going to hell for good.
(posted August 10, 2008)
Message to Mandela:
You who are the double chief of South Africa. Sending you much light on your
life journey. A happy birthday to you on your ninetieth. You who have broke
through the darkness and division to share gods light, you are a ray of that
light for the world. You have made a path and way, by setting an example in the
light of god that all is possible in gods light, for all the tribes. The people
of South Africa, for all others to follow your example around the world. You are
a man of morals, stature, peace, love, and wisdom, for all humanity. All the
best on the path, and in the years to come.
Blessings, Reverend Baba Ito
(posted July 28, 2008)
Message Warning:
Regarding Birth Control, the most essential important message now given then
ever before. Just think about it Birth control. To many cars, food shortage
already, facing water problems in the near future. Funds to finance health
insurance, teachers, schools, politicians, police officers, armies, space
projects, research projects, endless government project the list goes on forever
more. Yet the biggest problems for survival is becoming the air we breathe, food
we eat, water we drink, shelter, not to mention nuclear arms. The more people on
the planet the bigger the problem is to resolve. So the first course of action
is to limit the human births that are arriving. They are arriving faster then
ever before in history, as more babies are born comes more babies and more
problems for survival of the human race with out the solution. It is a
mathematical problem that needs to be understood now and in the future if you
want to survive. If you want salvation you better be good at math and have some
common sense. I feel if my messages were heard and understood on the original
three message letters of 1988 -1990, which are above this message to read. We
wouldn't be in the fix we are facing now. I prefer to keep this message short.
It is time to wake up and do the messages given.
Blessings, Reverend Baba Ito
(posted June 6, 2008)
Message to Al Gore and Bill Clinton:
Regarding salvation: It is time to really help humanity and the African people
by setting up a sustainable Light City in Africa, as well as healing centers on
it. That the people of Zimbabwe can live and farm in order to feed themselves
and create the jobs needed to help themselves and there economy. The surrounding
villages can be converted into healing centers. Once this project is successful.
We will be able to send food to other countries within Africa where needed, and
around the world. This may be the first prototype of it's kind on earth and an
answer to worldwide starvation. In order to help feed the people on earth as
well the worldwide economy. One World light Foundation has the Divine Master
Plan for this purpose. I am requesting to you Al Gore and Bill Clinton to help
Owlf, regarding the fund raising and over seeing in joint venture, along with
any others that want's to help save themselves and humanity. For this will be
the first project of it's kind on earth. Anyone else that want's to be included
at a worldwide level is more then welcome to email, For
more information. Sending Light, and Blessings to all humanity.
Blessings, Reverend Baba Ito of the Syrian Antioch Church
(posted May 5, 2008)
Message to Pope Benedict:
I am sending you Light on your eighty-first birthday. May that Light follow you
on your journey here in "The United States Of America" and your journey through
out your life. As you know the people of this world are in the hands of "God".Only
till one finds the path of rightness, morality, consideration, respect, and
maturity. Then God and Gods ways of creation will they begin to come out of
there separate reality of delusion the darkness to find the light of salvation.
Then peace beyond divisional thinking to understanding will come. Only through
this conscious expansion, "into the Light of God" which is the greater life. I
am now to dedicate this poem to you Pope Benedict on your birthday, written many
years ago."Cohesion Is Love" without body only spirit, and soul, commencing,
cooperative with he who knows in Gods image for oneness in all. To seek and then
shine with Suns of Suns to shine on a planet so distant to All.
Blessings, Reverend Baba Ito of the Syrian Antioch Church
(posted April 25, 2008)
Message from Komo to African people
of Kenya and Zimbabwe:
Stop all the foolishness by acting like the "Devil". You leaders that are in
division must unify or one must step down in order to save and serve your
African brothers and sisters. Who are your country men who came from and created
in the Light of God. When you hold on to take a presidential position only for
personal gain and power .This which can cause your followers much more pain,
suffering, destruction and even there death, for those who believe in you to
lead them in peace there way. When you allow them to kill one another over an
election for you that can cause ruin. Then one of you must step down if you know
God, and work together in unity as president and vice president. You are to lead
the people who believe in you to be the best chief. In order to help them
through the hard times and confusion. You must not create more darkness where
evil lurks and comes. The love of God and his wisdom is the way. ( Gods Way.)
Baba Ito, "Ibo Man"
(posted April 11, 2008)
Message Sayad and Bin Ladin:
Regarding the assumption that Israel hit Imad Mughniyah. Please let him rest in
peace and lay no more lives down or destruction. War will not bring him back and
more violence is not the answer, only peace. Do not pin down Israel for this
that which is only an assumption, nothing more. "It is only an assumption" not a
fact. This assumption has only worked against every one in Israel and Palestine,
Lebanon and will end up in major war and destruction. There is much to much
bloodshed unnecessarily spilled and suffering continues already. Tit for tat
will never work. Israelis leadership say's they didn't kill Imad Mughniyah. Know
one can know for sure who did. Just move into a positive peaceful solution. Do
not go to war again or it will never end, until all is dead. This easily could
of been a set up for a major war by some evil lunatic out there. One must
realize that and move way from assuming differently.
(posted March 1, 2008)
Message to Ismail:
Hold up "stop firing rockets" Wait to see what will happen. Israel needs to move
much quicker for the solution. This is why the rockets are coming into Israel.
Because the peace process is way to slow. The lingering is why it has not been
in closure by now and destabilizing the region. Palestine is a holy land. You do
not want to have war on holy land, for holy is sacred. All of the leaders
together don't know how to find peace or what is holy." You should be a shame
for not getting peace by now. This the place where Jesus was born and Mohammed
ascended long ago."God will abandon you" if you don't stop fighting and killing
each other. Get moving on to resolve. for peace is love, love one another. I
know you can get it settled amongst yourselves. You are all cousins and you can
easily do it if you want, "Then it is done" It's that simple. The Palestine
people who are innocent. They have been suffering much to long from leaders who
re controlling and manipulating there lives and are killing them, starving them
and crushing them into the sand. "The innocent". Israel help the Palestinian
people as soon as they stop firing the missiles, by getting together with Ismail
and Abbas. Then you can settle the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Give them your
hand in friendship and it will be excepted. This is and has always' been selfish
personal absurd wars going on here on earth. End it now for Gods sake. Let peace
begin in the mid-east. And in time these actions on both sides will be in non
existence and then hopefully understood. Do not hunt down your adversaries. They
are here to teach you. The wars must end and peace must begin now. The memories
of your old thinking and programming and conditioning will fade into the sun.
And the new dawn will begin.
"God Is" "Be at peace together in Unity in the Light of God", "Change" Blessing's
(posted March 1, 2008)
Message to the peace and environment
It is time to really move on "Change Now". America needs a women president at
this time. She will get the Light out Worldwide. Women are creators who have put
all mankind into creation.Yet there has never been a women president of the
United States of America. Just look where we are all at now. And what we all
have to deal with now, and in the future. The American people voted last time
for a man for the presidency. Now you'll have to deal with it. Think about what
it would be like if there were a hundred women president's on the planet. Do
you think we would be in this fix down hill position. That these condition would
be present if a women was president. Man has created an unnatural state of
existence on the planet. And now everything is burning. up. Will you throw more
coals on the fire ? Women are God's magical angel and co-creators. They are not
violent war mongers and murders. Women are much more in peace and in harmony.
They are nurturing and with unconditional love in there hearts for the children.
They don't send them to war and drop bombs on them. Then shoot to kill there
creation men will. So why not have a women president for four years. Give her a
chance as she gave you by bringing you through her, not to destroy everything
that moves and stands. Let Hillary show the magic you all need. Men have set
these conditions up. And it will take a women to clean up the mess.You all know
who killed the lord Jesus Christ. Who came through Mary in attempt to save you
from yourselves. Will you make another choice to continue on till you can't. Men
war upon themselves and are self destructive. If your in there way they consider
that collateral damage. Who has engineered the cause of the heat up and the
destruction of the planet. From the way we think comes these actions no one now
is off the hook.The entire planet mother earth is about to throw us off her back
for this reason. It's time to wake up and get into God's Light. Alternative
energy is a must in order to help turn these conditions around and all wars
should of ended by 1988 or long before. Imagine a hundred women president's in
office around the world. Do you think that you would be in such dire straight's
right now ? You can't afford to make another single mistake as you did before.
We all need a Hillary Rodham Diana Clinton she is the only women who will stand
up against the authoritarians ways and to represent the people of the United
States of America from her heart. All is in God's hands and In God. I trust and
Reverend Baba Ito of the (One World Light Ministry).
(posted Febuary 13, 2008)
Message to Hillary Clinton:
"Sending you light." All the best in the comming election. May God be with you
as always.
Blessings, Rev. Baba ito
(posted January 08, 2008)
Message to all world leaders:
The wars and condition of the planet you who have a major effect on by focusing
or neglecting, has help bring things into the brink of destruction ( no blame no
shame it just is now) an environmental disaster and to those that follow. The
leaders have spent so much time in going to war or attempting to stop it, there
after that it has a greater cost then is understood. The distraction causing the
wrath as well who has followed. Get out of war and all the nonsense. When a
person takes a leadership position of a country. The leader must realize that he
or she has a great responsibility regarding the effects on the peoples health
and atmospheric conditions. What has manifested here through all the wars is
only death, destruction and then pollution. One must take a clearer view to get
a greater understanding of the after effects, and responsibility of the effect
without denial or defending the out come. The corporate heads and there lawyers
have corrupted the politicians and society for special interests groups and
there policies. The pay offs coming from the greed to make it all happen. This
being one of the five passions causing the darkness here. The school system in
many ways supports these condition, then it expands worldwide. This has not
been necessarily intentional in a case of knowing. This a lack of a spiritual
insight division from truth. Because of the lack of spiritual understanding many
people in the world fall and fail in this what is material trappings. Then get
stuck in tunnel vision a narrow viewpoint. The systematic programming causing
this and the lack of interest particularly in the west. The separation from the
true reality is forgotten who is (God). Everyone is simply a product of there
environment, and past experience along with the programming. Then one can not
judge properly from a separate narrow view point call it tunnel vision. This
type of person is not being honest with themselves causing, he/she to come from
no where the (darkness). That's why in the bible it is stated thou shall judge
or be judged. This is how the effect creates a causal factor and the persons (Karma).
One who is at a different level of consciousness then the other being judged?
What ever level of consciousness one may be others interests regarding matters
will be different, because of the separate reality(sum total of there life
experiences) at that point. Then how for example god would see it. Who is the
universal mind, who knows all and the only true judge? Who has much more to do
than judge the human race. That's why Jesus manifested here. To take a position
to lead the people. He who is a true son of God and his messenger prophet. Who's
concerns were the development of the planet earth in the positive light, for all
life. Many other individual view points are limited because of there material
self interests, dominate. They are single minded and limited and can not
compared to gods universal minds understanding. Since most don't witness oneself
and just the other person maybe. This one sidedness won't bring the unity needed
for mankind's salvation. The It must be understood that money is simply a
vehicle and a tool not the supreme deity. It is not to fight, kill, or destroy
the other ones, and life's works. You who are the leaders of the people are not
seeing it from this view point. One coming from this view point will take a
greater responsibility for the out come and the development of civilization, and
stop the wars now. The greater level and degree of consciousness is needed.
All the best, Babaji
(posted October 08, 2007)
Message to George W. and Bob Gates:
This war in Afghanistan is another pointless war. All that needs to happen is to
meet with the Taliban tribal leaders, or you will need to kill almost everyone
in Afghanistan, if you don't. Regarding the Taliban warriors. You guys just need
to flex not your muscles. Just some of your old traditions and ways. Which much
of your views should be accepted and some negotiated to get a balance for a
peaceful solution. Your views regarding the treatment of your women folks needs
to be updated, to be more flexible. Let them go to school and work and a little
music won't kill you. Remember all where created almost equal. It could be very
healing for all of you to except what I am saying. Depending on what you want
for your lives. I see know reason to continue on just because you have strict
morals and a different view point of the situation. I personally like your
position regarding opium. This has never been acceptable to you Taliban tribes
or your leaders. When you Taliban people are equal in the government issues of
Afghanistan and a few minor details. It will work out for the best and axing out
the production of opium for sure. Which is a bigger problem for the entire
region, effecting, Europe, Asia and god knows where else. It is much bigger
problem now and down the road. It will cause more death and destruction than if
you stay at war the next twenty-years. This seems not to be understood and set a
side by your adversaries? You the tribal leaders need to work this out with
Karazi, work it out with Robert Gates. Negotiations are needed now, peace out.
Let the United Nations help build your country back. You all need help in many
God bless, Babaji
(posted June 16, 2007)
Message: the solution:
Ismail stop the rocket attacks on Israel. It is time for the people of Israel
and Palestine to have peace and unity in order to build your homes back and
communities. Stop the death and destruction for god's sake. Ehud hold up the
attacks on Palestine. Don't escalate the problems now. Fatah and Hamas leaders
need to meet directly and with Israeli leaders. Hamas won a fair democratic
election and that needs to be understood. Direct and total communication with
the divided need to happen now. This is the solution. Sit and break bread
instead, peace out now. This situation is really old. Stop judging each other
get the peace. Do something in the positive right now. Let the sun come through
the darkness.
Blessings, Babaji
(posted May 22, 2007)
Birthday Message to the world leaders
and all humanity:
Dedicated to all Mothers on Mothers day of the year of our lord on May 12, 2007.
It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them
victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you
have loved them. ??I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard
seed, you can say to this mountain, ??Move from here to there?? and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you. Through your positive efforts and direct
communications, and negotiations until a final agreement. Gods Light and Love
the binding force of all creation it will be done in his name of the one God.
Then there will be (No More Wars On The Planet Earth). We all need to work and
focus on Mother Earths healing all together in Peace and Unity. Now to be on the
Environment for our own Salvation. Together we stand departed we fall. Reverend
Baba Ito of the (Syrian Antioch Church).
Blessings it's Mothers day.
(posted May 12, 2007)
Easter message to the world:
The never ending game of false power, and ego, and what is to be believed
personal gain. Those that will go on war path, will stop at nothing for the (concept)
of victory. You can not stop war out of revenge, hate or for victory. This is
only divisional thinking. The only way to have peace is through clarity by
seeing out of the others persons eyes, and going to the cause, you will get the
answer. Let's bring it together through compromise which will fuse the different
points of view. Just reverse your position, and look at it from the other side.
Do not look at it from a fearful mind, with revenge in your heart. That will
only escalate, and heat up the problems. (Jesus) turned his cheek when attacked,
and many times turned away from these negative attacks to preach brotherly love.
He attempted to do what he could through dialogue to communicate what he knew,
and give it freely to all. He did not carry a gun or thoughts to kill or destroy
anyone. Yet he was still persecuted, and then killed. For how he saw the
problems in the world, and to only share them with his brothers, sisters his
the human family. This was not acceptable to the bullies in thier false power,
and phony desires. All now are being affected through these types of desires to
realize the true power of god, and his wrath is here for there is no other way
that could wake up those who have been sleeping through their lives till now.
Killing or not paying attention to your messenger prophets has brought all to
this stage of the game. The Lord is forgiveness, and he is love. Through clear
and patient communication you will be able to see the other view point. That is
if you are truly interested enough outside of yourselves. U.S. House rep. Nancy
Pelosi personally carried the light into the mid-east into Damascus and the
Saudi Arabia people, in hopes to make a difference, and she has made that
difference. She is love and peace, not a tank, gun or bomb to destroy a city or
a single being in the human family. World leaders don't escalate these problems
any longer. Make peace now. When you live by the sword you will die by the sword.
Violence only breeds violence. Love is the binding force, and the way of
positive creation. You must bind in that Light it is the only way out. It is the
binding into the positive. Then that light will bring the understanding for the
people of Lebanan, and Unity. Only through dialogue will this be achived. What
is essential is your communication into positive agreement. Pierre Gemayel
demise will not help the people of Lebanon.This what has happened could slow up
progress in building back the future of Lebanon if this should continue. This
can cause internal war. You don't want or need more war. This is a very
difficult, and delicate situation. That needs to be worked out between the
Leaders of Lebanon. Blaming Syria is ludicrous ? this killing is an internal
problem now. That needs to be resolved peacefully. My message to the Lebanon
people is not to fight or kill anyone else over this divisional thinking. Which
is coming from different points of view. Do not continue this way under any
circumstance just communicate to get into agreement. There is enough death, and
destruction that has recently happened. All need to light a candles for a
greater Light. Settle down just go into Peace. I send my light to the past
minister of Lebanon Pierre Gemayel, and his family members.
Blessings, Baba Ito
(posted April 9, 2007)
Message to all leaders in Lebanon and
the surrounding countries:
When you live by the sword you will die by the sword. Violence only breeds
violence. Love is the binding force, and the way of positive creation. You must
bind in that Light it is the only way out. It is the binding into the positive.
Then that light will bring the understanding for the people of Lebanan, and
Unity. Only through dialogue will this be achived. What is essential is your
communication into positive agreement. Pierre Gemayel demise will not help the
people of Lebanon.This what has happened could slow up progress in building back
the future of Lebanon if this should continue. This can cause internal war. You
don't want or need more war. This is a very difficult, and delicate situation.
That needs to be worked out between the Leaders of Lebanon. Blaming Syria is
ludicrous ? this killing is an internal problem now. That needs to be resolved
peacefully. My message to the Lebanon people is not to fight or kill anyone else
over this divisional thinking. Which is coming from different points of view. Do
not continue this way under any circumstance just communicate to get into
agreement. There is enough death, and destruction that has recently happened.
All need to light a candles for a greater Light. Settle down just go into Peace.
I send my light to the past minister of Lebanon Pierre Gemayel, and his family
Blessings, Baba Ito
(posted April 18, 2007)
Easter message to the world:
The never ending game of false power, and ego, and what is to be believed
personal gain. Those that will go on war path, will stop at nothing for the (concept)
of victory. You can not stop war out of revenge, hate or for victory. This is
only divisional thinking. The only way to have peace is through clarity by
seeing out of the others persons eyes, and going to the cause, you will get the
answer. Let's bring it together through compromise which will fuse the different
points of view. Just reverse your position, and look at it from the other side.
Do not look at it from a fearful mind, with revenge in your heart. That will
only escalate, and heat up the problems. (Jesus) turned his cheek when attacked,
and many times turned away from these negative attacks to preach brotherly love.
He attempted to do what he could through dialogue to communicate what he knew,
and give it freely to all. He did not carry a gun or thoughts to kill or destroy
anyone. Yet he was still persecuted, and then killed. For how he saw the
problems in the world, and to only share them with his brothers, sisters his
the human family. This was not acceptable to the bullies in thier false power,
and phony desires. All now are being affected through these types of desires to
realize the true power of god, and his wrath is here for there is no other way
that could wake up those who have been sleeping through their lives till now.
Killing or not paying attention to your messenger prophets has brought all to
this stage of the game. The Lord is forgiveness, and he is love. Through clear
and patient communication you will be able to see the other view point. That is
if you are truly interested enough outside of yourselves. U.S. House rep. Nancy
Pelosi personally carried the light into the mid-east into Damascus and the
Saudi Arabia people, in hopes to make a difference, and she has made that
difference. She is love and peace, not a tank, gun or bomb to destroy a city or
a single being in the human family. World leaders don't escalate these problems
any longer. Make peace now. When you live by the sword you will die by the sword.
Violence only breeds violence. Love is the binding force, and the way of
positive creation. You must bind in that Light it is the only way out. It is the
binding into the positive. Then that light will bring the understanding for the
people of Lebanan, and Unity. Only through dialogue will this be achived. What
is essential is your communication into positive agreement. Pierre Gemayel
demise will not help the people of Lebanon.This what has happened could slow up
progress in building back the future of Lebanon if this should continue. This
can cause internal war. You don't want or need more war. This is a very
difficult, and delicate situation. That needs to be worked out between the
Leaders of Lebanon. Blaming Syria is ludicrous ? this killing is an internal
problem now. That needs to be resolved peacefully. My message to the Lebanon
people is not to fight or kill anyone else over this divisional thinking. Which
is coming from different points of view. Do not continue this way under any
circumstance just communicate to get into agreement. There is enough death, and
destruction that has recently happened. All need to light a candles for a
greater Light. Settle down just go into Peace. I send my light to the past
minister of Lebanon Pierre Gemayel, and his family members.
Blessings, Baba Ito
(posted April 9, 2007)
Message to all leaders in Lebanon and
the surrounding countries:
When you live by the sword you will die by the sword. Violence only breeds
violence. Love is the binding force, and the way of positive creation. You must
bind in that Light it is the only way out. It is the binding into the positive.
Then that light will bring the understanding for the people of Lebanan, and
Unity. Only through dialogue will this be achived. What is essential is your
communication into positive agreement. Pierre Gemayel demise will not help the
people of Lebanon.This what has happened could slow up progress in building back
the future of Lebanon if this should continue. This can cause internal war. You
don't want or need more war. This is a very difficult, and delicate situation.
That needs to be worked out between the Leaders of Lebanon. Blaming Syria is
ludicrous ? this killing is an internal problem now. That needs to be resolved
peacefully. My message to the Lebanon people is not to fight or kill anyone else
over this divisional thinking. Which is coming from different points of view. Do
not continue this way under any circumstance just communicate to get into
agreement. There is enough death, and destruction that has recently happened.
All need to light a candles for a greater Light. Settle down just go into Peace.
I send my light to the past minister of Lebanon Pierre Gemayel, and his family
God be with you all.
(posted December 8, 2006)
Message to leaders of East Africa:
Brothers do not fight to kill each other in another war. Why are you
contemplating this ? You the leaders of Ethiopia say that you are ready to go
to war with people of Somalia ? You are all the same people in Africa with just
simply different beliefs that are causing your different understandings, from
different points of view. God has given you this right, it is yours to think as
you will. There is never a good reason to go to war over. (God say thou shall
not kill.). Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia people are one people of Africa the
same family. African people stay at Peace in Gods Light. When the storms, and
floods recently hit your countries as well as did Kenya God is saying stop. God
is telling you all. To get out of the past to stop you from your self
destruction, and war over religion, God is not a religion, and if you are truly
created in his image you won't kill each other. You can easily work out your
differences through communication. The leaders of Somalia, and Eritrea need to
work out your differences with the leaders of Ethiopia, until you get into a
positive agreement, war is never the answer. All you have worked for your time,
and energy in life will be destroy. One needs to be open to what I am saying,
understanding and negotiate for compromise where it is needed. Only through
communication with understanding the others point of view, and patients will you
find the answer to peace, nothing else will work. What are your values if you
are to war are false without the wisdom you will perish. Then you will finally
have changed. Let not man made religion cause your wars. Do not come from the
dark side to get into the Light there is no time left for that. Just consider
your brothers as you would consider yourself. Since all is God, and god is the
one source who does not self destructive. (God is Peace).
May peace be with you all in Gods Image.
Blessings, Baba Ito
(posted November 26, 2006)
Message to the Amish people of
Lancaster Pennsylvania:
Who live in the Light of God eternal. My prayers go out with much Light, and
Love to the five young child angels that left there families, and friends from
Paradise in Amish land of Lancaster. Then went from this earth to enter another
world of greater Paradise. They are little angels in flight. My prayers go out
now for the five other little angels that are to recover from there critical
condition to heal in God's Light, and speed along with all there families
relatives, true brothers, and sisters of there Amish community. Also along with
neighbors of the surrounding communities. I have lit a candle in prayer which is
sending prayers of healing Light to the Amish people. That the healing energy
surrounds you all maintains you, and sustains you for in ever lasting Peace, and
Light. That it brings back Peace to you all in your faith in (The Christ, Light
of God). May Gods Light power take over where darkness failed. May there be
that Light. May Gods little Angels of Light help bring Peace to the human race,
and on to this earth world from Heaven above. May Gods Light reach out to each
and every home in the city of brotherly Love. Where these five angels now remain
to heal. May all prayers go out from there for the healing of the five Amish
children for a speedy recovery in that Light in Philadelphia, and then for Peace
on earth out of Philadelphia. Which is my birth place, and hometown.
God Bless you all,
Baba Ito
(posted October 09, 2006)
Message to world leaders and humanity:
You will all feel and know the power of the lord worldwide now. For many have
lost there connection to the light of God. Which is there true source, and
salvation in having there values in God. We are living in a diluted and false
value system, money becoming more valuable then God. We have become lost and
conditioned into it. Many can only relate to this through there conditioning and
from personal ego. Where by this creates the false values, and desires for self
gain. These values are not virtues or true life sustainable. This thinking is a
cause of the confusion and division we are living in now. This thinking has
caused the environmental conditions on the planet, along with the wars. The
power that you use against one another to destroy each other is foolish and dark.
It is child's play compared to what has been created and built up and has
reached into the karmic plane of action reaction. Which has been being stored up
for thousands of years. Now it is coming back from creation in the days of
revelations. Those who do not understand me do not know the ways of a messenger
prophet. The prophet can easily go beyond reason and logic. Those who not know a
prophet will not understand or except, what I am saying here.This type of
individual is very lost. Who no not what they do. They have been conditioned and
programmed. They are caught in the illusion of life. Those individuals who make
there way out, and through these days of revelation are truly blessed, God be
with you all.
(posted July 28, 2006)
Prime Minister Ehud Olmet of Israel:
Pull the Israeli army back. You can't work this situation out by destroying the
infrastructure and killing the Palestinians or the Lebanese people, Hezabolla,
or Hamas it's all the same. With Ten-thousand prisoners including women and
children ? You don't need them. Let them go home. Now all are against the
Israeli people. War is not the way to peace and now war has come back with it's
karma.You will never have peace in the mid-east this way. It is human to error,
but this is ridiculous. Let me show you the way out. Prime Minister Ismali
Haniyeh, and Chief Sayed Nasrallah, release Gilad Shalt then released Ehud
Goldwaser and Eldad Regev to there families in one piece and alive right away.
Then Ehud let's just stop any more aggression causing death and destruction on
your cousins. Hold up the attacks while this gets done. Have the faith and
patience that it will. I mentioned long ago you don't need the prisoners. Why ?
They have been punished for what they believe is right. They consider themselves
freedom fighters. Who is anyone to judge and say different ? The Palestinian and
the rest of the Muslims people in the mid-east have a different view point. That
is their right. You need to release all the prisoners to there families. This
would be the most positive way and Gods way. Show them the Israeli peoples true
compassion and yours do not come from judgment. It will only come back in a
negative way till nothing and no one can stand. Just because it is a one sided
view point. What has been destroyed, let it become a thing of the past and
example of what not to do again and learn from the mistakes. All together we
must rebuild the relationship into friendship. Prime minister Ismali Haniyeh and
Sayed work this out. Ehud please except these two leaders as freedom fighters
not as terrorist that's just a one sided judgment a label, a word that will stop
the peace in the mid-east. Ehud don't let a label keep this war going. Ismali
and Sayed make sure that you have Ehud know that you and all your Muslim
brothers and sisters except Israeli people for there right to exist in Israeli.
That you will not condone or allow attacks on the Israeli people. You will not
be firing missiles at them or sending martyrs over to blow themselves up there
anymore. The Israelis have the same equal rights for life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness as you and the Muslim people. You all need to realize and
honor that now. In Palestinians, Lebanon and the region. You all must take
responsibility for what is happening now. Since you all are a part and piece of
this problem the cause. Everyone needs to meet with Ehud in Israel and the
United Nations representatives for this solution to work out and conclude. The
United Nations could set things up to accomplish the peace documents for the mid-east.
Ehud you need and the administration need to accept the Muslim people they are
our cousins in the human family. All of you who lead are now to lead the people
into peace through a peaceful solution; violence will not work. Violence only
brings more Violence. It will never work that way. Did not Moses say do unto
others as you would have them do unto you. Does not Moses count anymore he was
our law maker.
Return Gilad with no conditions. Then the other captured Israelis. The people of
Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan all the same want to live in
peace. Why then fight because of a different view point. Find the center
together for the balance into Harmony. There is no other way to peace. God is
Peace, God is great, God is Love, and God is Truth, Then get out of the past and
into the Light of God be alive live in Light of creation a level of gods
consciousness, not death and darkness. Do not kill innocent people anymore. Help
them for better life all through the mid-east. We have a very confused society,
leadership and system. That needs to change now. We need to all wake up and
realize that is a fact. (God is good, God Is Great, God Is Peace, and God Is
Love). The people of Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan Palestine, Somalia, Sudan and
other parts of the world are not any different then the Americans, Britts,
Germans, Australians except for a different view point. Then the culture,
languages, standard of living becomes some what different. You don't need to go
to war over these type of difference,beliefs and understandings,just except them?
The karma created from ones belief systems should be positive not negative. Why
not share your belief system, concepts in the schools more. Teach your way and
understand of it to each other where ever you are on earth. Get the Peace for
Gods sake and your own sake. You will all have a greater appreciation and
understanding for one another, nothing is greater than Peace. What is going on
now is consciousness in division. Which is causing all this darkness and it's
out come. Right thinking please will bring right actions. Then will come a
different manifestation and outcome. This may not be understood yet. Then we all
need to work on this that is truth. Where ever we are now and apply this
knowledge to reverse all, wars on earth. This will raise the entire
consciousness and vibration worldwide. Think about war and it's long term effect.It
is absurd to continue all this foolishness.We have been programmed into
opposites.The duality and this war and what ever goes into manifesting from it.
We could feed all the people on the planet and help build the homes for those
who have not. All the money that gets wasted in these wars. You are all
destroying the earth you need. We haven't much time left to turn this explosive
situation around. You need to deprogram and change one-hundred and sixty degrees
in consciousness itself now or you will fail the test of time in the days of
revelations. You will fulfill the prophecy of Armageddon. You must be very
careful now and patient, tolerant, flexible, logical and reasonable with each
other now. What I am saying here is stop the war games. Then stop death and
destruction,it is insane. God is and the only final judge. You are all are being
judged. When this is understood you will surely stop. This one sided point of
view won't ever work. Particularly from the dark side of your consciousness.
(posted July 14, 2006)
Message to Bin Ladin and President
George W. Bush:
I know you said that the American troop withdrawal is needed in order to find
peace in the Iraq. I am really sorry for the people of Iraq and what they are
going through is not necessary. I am requesting once again for the third time an
immediate withdrawal of the United States army in order to move on a closer on
true Peace in Iraq. Bin Laden you can greatly help by standing behind this
message. You need to stop the insurgent and Sunni attacks on the Shi'a people.
You need to get a Sunni and Shi'a Brotherhood come together. What is going on is
most unfortunate and not needed. Pres.George W. Bush just placed the United
States army soldiers in other countries that will accept them for a time being.
If your concern is and want Peace in the Mideast in order to defuse this
volatile situation. You can always return if the Iraq people have the need for
our help then. And this will be the beginning of Peace for the Iraq people. The
innocent are suffering, families are being destroyed and so much unnecessary
suffering is being caused. This is a wake up call to stop all the destruction a
d death. Destroying one's self and the earth we all live on. I will now pray for
all of you and light a candle for more Light on earth and to help solidify the
Sunni and Shi'a people for ever more in that Light, won't you all join me world
wide in the silence of God for Peace with God in the Mideast.
Blessing You All.
(posted March 10, 2006)
Messages to the Philippine people and
belated message to the Guatemalan Indians people who were buried within the
mother earth the same way:
That I have lit a candle for those who left there bodies to mother earth. Who
that nourished them and sustained them while they were here along with there
parents. I send my prayers that all the children of God are in great Peace and
Light with there maker. I have lit a second candle now and send my prayers for
the Guatemalan Indians as I did before. Since they had such and experience as
this last year. A third candle is lit now for the same people of New Orleans and
for those people of United States of America and different nations around the
world that went in and helped others in need and not war. May we all light
candles for those that are being taken away in these disasters that have been
coming around the earth and wars. I send my blessings out for those doing Gods
work in assisting disaster victims and there families. May we soon all come to
gather in this Unity and the Christ Light, Gods Light for this purpose now? And
not wait for disasters to come but work together to slow them down and prevent
them? We must learn from them and there cause. Within the (Unity) we can help to
avoid them. We must come in Unity of the Light Now. Together we stand and
departed we fall, as you all can see. You see within the Unity you will find the
true Love and strength that you all are looking for in order to fulfill each
others needs. There is no difference between the Guatemalan Indian children and
the Philippine children you see. We are all Gods children not a religion know
his children. We are all related and family. The games of money and wars need to
become into non existence. There is no balance there so we go out of sink
harmony and suffer from that lack. We need to all become into one Gods army of
Light. The army of God for when we do who will we fight? Who are we all fighting
now? If not ourselves and this lack of understudying and understanding. God is
Peace not a confused hypocrite in darkness. And do his work out of the love and
Unity that is within us all, not just some of us, all of us. As long as there is
a sun in the sky that is part of him that shines the Light on all of us. There
is no division in God consciousness. Seek and you shall find. We are one
universally speaking. I give my salutations to all that lost love ones in these
horrific catastrophic events. Let's all try to be more considerate and loving
now. And forget the past; it is an illusion we only have now to work things out
right now. We are running out of time. We have only been destroying ourselves
out of confusion. (GODS ARMY WILL HELP ALL HUMANITY) When this message is
understood and achieved. I am in faith it will be done.
(posted March 8, 2006)
Message to humanity, and family
members, the brothers and sisters of the late Coretta Scott King who is in
spirit now:
I am sending my Light to her and him, the Great Reverend Martin Luther King. Who
fought for everyone's human rights here and for all nations' people. Of all
until his very last breath. In his attempt for the freedom and equality for all
humanity around the world. The same as the Great Gandhi. Mrs. King who was his
wife. The foundation, and motivational spirit for his sacrifice, cause and work
within the Great Spirit of God. Who he has been patient and waiting to show her
the way in the other worlds and her new home in heaven. She (being) the first
lady of the civil right's movement in United States of America. May the Kings
come together once again in that Great Light and Unity of God. Where there are
no divisions or darkness of leaders of nations, religion, colors or creed in
that Spirit and in that Spirit. I am sending the Light of faith that they will
do the same in Spirit back to help all of humanity heal from their confusion
into division, which is causing most of all the suffering and pain we are seeing
and feeling and experiencing. That this division brings and the Evil. We are all
from the same. When in the source of his Spiritual energy when it is at Peace
which is the Devine Source. The Universal mind and power which is speaking
through me to you all. There is no other for there we are all one family. May
the Kings now be at Peace forever more and send his Light back through the Holy
Spirit for Peace, and to bring heaven on his Earth.(The messenger who walks with
the kings and all humanity) Sending Blessings for those who can receive them.
Reverand Baba Ito
(posted March 5, 2006)
Message to the Human Race: :
We have several million people that are homeless in Pakistan from earthquakes.
They are caught in freezing temperatures. We all need to help them before it is
too late. For God's sake let's get more hands on healing there now!
(posted January 29, 2006)
Message to Ariel Sharon and Abbas: :
First I am sending my Light for a speedy recovery to Ariel Sharon and successful
recovery on his heart surgery. That will give him his chance to secure the
people of Israel for there right to live and among there brothers and cousins on
both sides of your borders. That the people of his new party to rectify and
solidify Peace in the mid-east. The Palestinian people are our cousins and we
need to help them in order to help ourselves.
Message to Mahmoud Abbas: :
I know how difficult it is for you being between the Palestinian people that you
love trying to get a compromise with Ariel Sharon. Sometimes the Jewish people
can be difficult. Since there are so few and in fear of many that do not want
them for their neighbors. When the Palestine and Israel people realize that they
need each other to accomplish a strong middle-east Peace and not a third world
war. When the militant groups stop attacking Israel at least long enough to give
the Israeli people a chance to show their light and Love you will then have
Peace not till than. We all come from the same source. Adanoi and Allah are the
same. These wars that have been going on for thousands of years between families
are nonsense for it is a lack of consciosness in the Light. They are just mind
games. It is time to stop for reconciliation. All need to remember Jesus Christ
was a Jew, the king of the Jews. His apostles were both Palestinian and Jews and
he loved them all and his Palestinian neighbors, who are his cousins. Only
through his love equally and from humanity is there balance. It is the only way
to Harmony, Peace and Freedom. Man know thyself. Stop warring and all the
suffering and pain begin the Healing. This can only be accomplishment through
dialogue. All have the patience for that sit down and break bread. Oneness is
the only way for final Peace. All the best in these hoIy days and the New Year.
I am Babaji
(posted January 11, 2006)
Message to the people of Darfur: :
The war that is happening in your country is just another sickness that needs a
cure. The waring factions that are in division must meet and get into agreement
now. These wars are not needed. They are coming from a child's mind that is
selfish, evil materialistic and wants to control. The opposite of God who gives
Love and free will. Get it together now. Men that kill innocent people are
cowards and sick. This is just a game of death and darkness to the end. God did
not give you your life for this, turn it around now, and get it into an
agreement. You all need to Unify and take care of each other in Light while you
can. God's wrath is here. I am only his messenger. Blessings brothers and
sisters. Join me in Peace and Light for the people of Darfur, Sudan and all of
Africa. I am, Ito
(posted December 31, 2005)
Message to Bin Ladin: :
Regarding the four Christian aid workers, I am requesting you to have them
released for God's sake. They should not be in Iraq in these times of the war.
They know not what they do. They are the innocent children of God in an attempt
to do the work of Christ, Jesus did not send them. They are all good
humanitarians that want to help the people of Iraq to find a way for Peace. They
did not start the war. They came to offer themselves to help what they feel is
wrong, and what is happening. They need to leave this position they have taken,
at least until things calm down and settle. Bin Ladin you can help put
Christians of Jesus Christ in the right direction. By giving them Grace they
deserve in there naivety and by having them released. It would be most
appreciated by Christian people around the world that they are released to the
bishop of the Syrian Antioch Church of Iraq. In the condition that they return
home to their families and stay out of the affairs of the Iraq people until
things settle down and they are asked to return by the people of Iraq. Unless
you can grant them the protection as to giving aid to some of the most
unfortunate which they came to do in the name of Jesus Christ. When the time
comes that is safe in the region, at a more appropriate time. You have the power
to save there lives, Then save there lives that they may go back to there
families and homes where they can give there aid there. They have misjudged the
situation and position they placed themselves that's all it is human to error.
They have done no harm and have put there lives on the line to do what they felt
Jesus Christ would want them to do. When Iraq is a safe place to do his work.
And give aid to the people of Iraq that is so desperately needed not there life.
I am sure that time will come soon. It will come in God's will and in his time.
May the people of Iraq and United States of America begin to move into the God's
Light. This is the same Light for the Peace and Harmony in the days to come.
When the American troops leave Iraq that will happen. That the United States
Army leaves the country of Iraq as soon as possible. My feelings are when that
happens things will be able to be negotiated between the Sunni and Shi'a. And
they will find a way to Peace between them as it was before. It will not happen
any other way until then. They must give the respect to each other that they are
one great family with problems to be resolved. And only through forgiveness and
understanding will love come about once more. The longer this goes on the harder
it will be to get resolve. In time all this folly will pass. And so will the
fools that caused it. Like the wind in the desert and the sand that will blow
over. It will pass that it will be no more war. It will be known than that it
could have been accomplished another way not out of fear, and control but out of
love, for love is God. This is the only way for mankind's salvation. The
American people have no stake in Iraq. And our army should not be there in the
first place. We have our own problems here. This is greater than we can imagine
or handle from natural disasters etc. And as I mentioned before to you Bin Ladin
the American people well that's a problematic in itself. Regarding those
contractors just kick them out of Iraq you need not kill them. They will
understand that easier since once they are dead they never got the message. They
need to understand they are not welcome? We have by far more destruction from
the wrath then you have there from the war. Why not send some of your
contractors here. That would be more reasonable. We have lost complete cities
here. And spending all the money on war? As you can see that we are truly the
lost children of these times. Won't you forgive that? There just lost sheep
following there Shepard, that's for sure. Who play deadly games, when you die
the game is over the end of the game. These sheep will just go to the slaughter
it is the job they have been trained. What a pity we can't find our way in all
these years on earth. Bin Ladin if you don't help these true Christians Jesus
Christ then how will they change. Show them the way by letting the Christians
aid workers go home. Until things settle down there. They are the true children
of God. It is in your power to do it now.
I am,
Reverend Baba Ito of the Syrian Antioch Church
In Good faith that you Bin Ladin in the name of Mohammed and Allah will release
the hostages in God speed. The Christians that serve the lord Jesus Christ, as
there Savior and Prophet that served all humanity. And Love him as you love
Mohammed and Allah in that same way and the Light.
(posted December 8, 2005)
Message to Humanity and the World
Leaders: :
God's wrath is just beginning. God sending his messengers so far and in the past
have been a waste of their lives. Their hard trials and tribulations wasted and
never understood the sacrifices by those that they served when they were here on
this earth. We shall see for I am the last messenger prophet of this proportion
to come to this earth. Since all of us who rose to this level of consciousness
have had such a difficult time being received and then misunderstood when giving
Gods messages. Humanity will now be dealing directly with their creators [power]
in order to wake up out of their deep sleep and in order to make great changes
needed and save themselves. For those who can get through the wrath will truly
be blessed. God will bring Unity and Harmony to the people of earth as it was
long ago. God will be with all of us through this period of changes and
revelations, for this is an awakening for great change and understanding to all
In Peace and Light.
(posted September 6, 2005)
Message to the Pope John Paul in
spirit and Light :
When Jesus had his pain and tribulations in the final days it became so
unbearable. God took him out of his pain the same way as Pope John Paul. God
whom gave us this life here, will take it away when that time is to come. In
order to continue in another world of lesser pain, and struggle depending on how
we relate to our experiences here and each other. What we do from there creates
ones karma. That's why one of Gods essential commandments is do unto others as
you would have them do unto you. For every action there is a reaction, karma.
God and god alone is the one to decide mankind??s fate depending on our actions
here. Pope John Paul was in Gods hands in his final days on earth. Just
yesterday God had me cross the path of a wonderful Christian women and her
daughter. The women said she was at the Vatican only four days ago to pay her
respect and show her love for Pope John Paul, that he was the greatest of all
the Popes. He had done the most good. She had seen him at his window. The last
blessing he gave to his flock. I said to her that he was in God??s hands now. I
then embraced both of them and we sent silent prayers of Love and Light his way.
The sun was just setting in Santa Cruz California by the ocean. The sky was
turning a Light blue with pink, and purple colored clouds, as the sun was
becoming a shade of orange as it was setting below the horizon. It was very
celestial in it's appearance. We were standing on It's beach on the west side of
Santa Cruz, when she said let's heal him. I agreed already knowing his fate. The
healing was already done through our prayers, when we embraced. John Paul was
truly healed from all of the pain and suffering he had been going through the
last days of his life here. Just there after he moved into his new world. He is
now in the Light of God and I AM with him there in soul. He now has no more pain
and suffering. May he be at Peace in that Light. May he help send God??s Light
from above to help heal all from there confusion, suffering, division, war and
denial. With in the Christ Light there is only the oneness, the Love of God. It
is for us to realize, when we are ready for it. May God Bless Pope John Paul in
that Light in heaven that he will bless us all from above, as above so below. My
candle has been lit for him and burning it's Light. Now and through out the last
night of his life here. I have been sending my Love and Light his way. We are
all immortal beings coming from that oneness. Pope John Paul never died. He
simply left his body behind with a smile on his face, as he entered another
world that can not be seen by the naked eye. He will be with us all forever, in
hopes that we find that Peace and Light, while on this earth. Jesus tried to
share this knowledge with all of us the same way. Let there be Light and Peace
on Earth. We can work it out through patience, communication, and understanding.
The only way is from the heart felt God Love, caring,giving, and helping each
other until there is a balance into harmony, when it is understood. The women
with her daughter truly healed Pope John Paul with many Christians and other
people of many faiths from the nations around the world. All salutations to the
lord, in faith I AM.
Blessings, Pope John Paul
(posted April 8, 2005)
Message to Bill Clinton :
Sending much Light for a speedy recovery from your recent surgery. Shall you
heal with God's speed and light.
(posted March 14, 2005)
Message to Bin Ladin :
Take it slow; let the Light break through the darkness. God is, Goodness. God is,
Greatness. God is Peace and Light. Again let the world leaders no what it will
take to achieve this from your view point. May the world leaders realize that
there is no right or wrong? That you are one of them, and that needs to be
realized. That they can't just go to war and that's okay, not you because you
don't agree. You have a different view point. Let them no that view point once
again. They must take it and work with it. They need to work with you not
against you to realize and solve the problems of all the wars on the planet,
particularly in your region. They can't kill the problem then they are killers
themselves. They can not see themselves. There values are distorted and a world
system has been built out of selfishness. Creating this darkness. The love of
money creating all this destruction from the dark side. It is not working for
the whole. The innocent then will pay for there leaders lacking. Negotiations
need to start back up in Iraq, between the Sunni and Shi'a. You are the one that
can get that done. If you do that and help stop the carnage, then you should be
forgiven and left to live with your people of your culture and forgive them for
there lack of understanding as you are a world leader regardless of what label
they put on you and those who follow. There is a cause all need to go to the
cause not the effect. Help bring Peace to the mid-east, as far as bringing the
Americans people out of the darkness that's a very big job. I have no answer for
that at this time. Let's get Peace first and work on the other next. We need to
get Peace for a thousand years here, if they kill you how will that get it done.
Myself I need to retire soon but never from God's work. You know we all come
from the same source. Therefore we are all family. Those who lost the Love
because of our separate realities and division within that are the lost souls.
Causing our desires, of greed, attachment to it and pride when they get it. Most
that do are very lost and need your help; it is just another causing of sin. Let
there be Peace in the mid-east and the rest of the world. Then we who understand
can work on the fools that don't. They think they can take it all with them, or
leave it to the same organizations or there siblings, then nothing will change
that is causing this deep darkness. Again One World Light Foundation is not
getting the help needed at this time because of the dark understanding here. The
people are programmed into this here, it is not there fault. Jesus faced the
same. God did not forsake him, the people did, they killed him he was innocent
he had nothing, only a cloth around him, when he died on their cross. For those
who not know God or his Light. Who have not been able to see the real Light, are
living the illusion and this suffering will go on until they hear me and
understand. It is all in God's hands now, Bin Ladin.
(Peace be with you all amen)
(posted March 1, 2005)
Message to Ariel Sharon :
Do not let one young distraught Palestinian man destroy the peace process, that
can effect the entire mid- east region, you may never get this close to peace
again, continue to go through the peace plans with Mohamed Abbas. It will only
come into the Light this way. You need not hold all the Palestinian people
responsible for one individual's action. Bite the bullet in hopes it's the last
one, and bring Peace to the mid-east now.
IN GODS FAITH and LOVE, I AM. With you all now.
(posted March 1, 2005)
Message to Pope John Paul :
It delighted me to see your recovery from the influenza. Your great strength in
the Christ Light, to lead you and the people of Christianity and ministers of
God along with all other people of faith into that Light. May peace be with you
and the worlds faithful, that it will be done on earth as it is in heaven. To
Unity with all religions integrating in that Light God's Light that the wise men
followed to find Jesus and Mary when he was born, that they must have known that
his Love was for all mankind. This is why when he became of age he traveled to
Iran, Iraq, India, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and other countries to know there ways
in the region, to spread that Light, Love and to many other countries in the mid-east,
where he came to all of us from. That Peace must begin in the mid-east and
spread from there around the world. Wishing for you a healthy, happy Light
filled New-Year. Blessings in the Light.
(posted February 11, 2005)
Message to the heads of the oil
empire and those that conspire with you:
Your greed is beyond any understanding in true God sense of consciousness in the
Universe. Your control of this pitiful energy and its causes is beyond any
reason here. You conspire with those like minded fools that care not for the
existence of any existence on the planet earth. You can not take your money with
you or your siblings. You are controlled by a force that is inferior then my
realization you are caught in the karmic wheel of creation. What you face in the
true reality of existence here is. I AM YOU ARE IT IS. In Isness I am, you are
It is It Knows and therefore made me a vehicle It is, don't forget the (IS) I
THAT {I AM LOVE with in the Devine).
(posted February 11, 2005)
Message to all people of South Asia,
and the coast of Africa:
For those who have lost love ones, their homes and property in these countries
from the effect of the 9.0 earthquake in the Indian Ocean, and its tsunami waves.
I pray for a speedy recovery in the will of God, and with God speed. There is
always a reason in Gods worlds of creation, and effect. Could it be to bring
humanity out to touch one another with gentle healing hands of help? To wake
mankind up to the essential needs. Which is Truth, Compassion Love, for Unity.
Out of the darkness, and into the Light. I am so sorry it would need to happen
this way, with such great force to unify. My hopes are the world leaders will
never forget this catastrophic event. To take their responsibilities very
seriously for whom they were elected to serve. To get all wars stopped
immediately through dialogue, and not physical confrontation, which causes loss
of life, and resources to help in the case of possible other events of this
nature. We must be the caretakers of this earth, and the other animals that
reside with us here. This event came to bring the world leaders together in true
Unity and Light the way. May the earth calm down, and those that are upon it. We
must realize that only through God's compassion that we are here. It is
imperative to realize our relationship with GOD and one another in a greater way.
To realize true love is the binding force. Only that will bring Unity to mankind.
Nothing else will do it. The love for money is the root of your evil ways. The
lack of true wisdom creates a false power, and the evil reality which is the
illusion we live within. This catastrophic event is the wake up call for all of
humanity. It is still possibile to get his mercy and grace. We must pray, and
meditate on this with hope and conviction. It is out of our hands, and only His
to decide what will be next. I pray for all. God be with us all in these days of
revelations. May there now be a new civilization, a new way of thought to
manifest peace on Earth, and Goodwill to All. I pray that One World Light
Foundation will manifest to a degree to help all living life here in its days of
great need. GOD BE WITH YOU ALL,
(posted January 5, 2005)
Message to George W.:
Congratulations, GOD has given you another chance at it. I for one pray you do
it differently. The opposite will attract the same. Coming from (LOVE IS It). We
all come from the same source. Not war, destruction and death will work. Light
not might is the way. It truly matters not, who became president, of the U.S.A.
It only matters, what he will do in that position. Will it be in the will of (GOD).
Are we not all in that will? Would he do it the way it is being done, from that
will? Coming from the human mind won't get it, into (PEACE). Since the mind is
easily programmed and conditioned, reprogram it and drop the old thinking. Get
it into the Universal mind. You will then find the answer to peace, for only
there is true knowledge and PEACE. You have the power now. What will it be the
second time around? Thall shall not judge, judge not. Just go in peace, with
peace in your mind and heart. GOD BE WITH YOU.
(posted November 4, 2004)
Message for Humanity,and World
Major starvation and homelessness in north India. Thirty-million people at risk
of starvation and water born diseases and floods. Worldwide help is needed "Now".
Unity will come soon. Floods just inundated areas of Sri Lanka a similar problem
as northern India. There is also a major cyclone heading towards central Africa,
Malawi. Let's pray it doesn't connect. I will attempt to move it through the
will of God.
(posted October 28, 2004)
Grenada, Caymen Islands, Jamaica,
Cuba, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Haiti, Virgin Islands and Florida:
May all people come together in UNITY, and help one another as much as possible.
[PEACE be with you ALL]
(posted September 12, 2004)
Message to humanity, and world leaders: There
are chemicals in the petrol being released into the air causing ill effects that
I have never experienced before in my life. It is different, causing a burning,
and unpleasant sensation, irritating my eyes, head area, throat and lungs, with
a different distinct odor, and effect. Coming from approximately every tenth car
in my estimation? Larger vehicles seem to be spewing it out at a much greater
rate such as 4x4 and larger vehicles. It is affecting my lungs, throat, and
brain area, it is [horrific]. If it should continue I feel it could cause
permanent effects breaking down, and damaging the immune system. Its new effects
have been around approximately a month now, and getting increasingly worst. It
is devitalizing, and devastating. I have mentioned this to others who have also
have been effected with these symptoms. I am suggesting that this is looked into
as soon as possible. It is far from any thing normally felt or experienced in
the past. This is happening in the Santa Cruz County, and around the bay area.
Leave your air conditioners off and windows down in order to detect it. If you
have already experienced any of these sensations or symptoms please email [].
He will make sure your testimonial is seen by those who can look into the dismal
situation, and this horrific problem. It is pertinent that you let us know if
you experience any of these effects or symptoms. I am inundated with these
chemicals as I give this message to humanity. This is the most serious problem
we have on the planet at this time. It will inflict poisons into our bodies,
food and drinking water supply, as it has been for years, with additional force,
chemicals and effect. The effect eventually will kill off most of the population.
It is going into your food supply, by the tonnage as you read this message. [Shut
your automobile engines off when not in motion]. Don't let them idle for no
reason at all.
The planet is heating up at a tremendous rate
PS: The 4x4, and older trucks are causing direct and heavy pollution hits once
windows are down. The people in these industries are as evil as hell. How to
stop them and not ruin the economy. The wrath may be the only way and it is
coming on stronger. Environment Link
(posted August 23, 2004)
Sudanese brothers and sisters are in great despair, they need all of your help
now, from all countries, on the continent, and around the world. Do not stand by
and watch them suffer, to die in the desert. All countries need to unite for
this humanitarian cause. Let your government leaders know you care, join in
group activities, make sure the people get food and water. Contact doctors with
no borders for their assistance. Most of all get to the leaders of the militias,
somehow. Give them this message from me to stop the onslaught "now". Darkness
not need to prevail, and the continuation of all the suffering, and confusion.
(posted July 23, 2004)
of human error, after error, stop. We are war mongers since the beginning of our
existence on this planet. We are here to find ourselves, and the relationship
with the universal mind, to correct our mistakes and errors. In this dimension
it is our testing ground for our creation, and survival for our personal growth,
before we move on into other Worlds. We are failing for our purpose here. It is
to live in peace and harmony, support one another in the Gods love, cooperation
in the Light of God Consciousness. Not to play war games, that are painful death,
depleting and distracting us from the negative destruction of our planet that we
have caused, mainly through our oil, and automobile industry etc. worldwide. It
now needs all of our full attention and resources to turn it around NOW, not to
take Mother Earth for granite. We haven't all taken our conscious level to the
point of giving her our full attention and respect. She is about to throw us all
off her back forever. We need to wake up now from our evil dreams, and evil
doings towards each other and the planet, we live on. No one has any excuse, now
that this message is given.
Deaf Ears, Blind Eyes, Lost Feelings. (NO MORE WARS)
(posted May 29, 2004)
George W.: U.S.A.
forces should not go into the holy city of Fallujah, with heavy equipment, and
destroy the homes and sanctuaries of so many innocent people, that have done no
harm to Americans, or anyone. Don't have the people come back to ruins, with no
place else to live, and civilians dead in the streets are extremely patient.
Back off the army, give some room for all to breath, and settle down. Let the
people of Fallujah, handle the insurgents if possible. You want peace, don't war
P.S. I just found out this message is being done already to allow people to get
to the hospitals in Fallujah, etc. Us army has hit them with 500 pound bombs,
and attacked with blackhawk's. It will need much more time, then twenty four
hours to get a resolve.
(posted April 24, 2004)
Easter Message to Humanity: I know your
suffering and your pain, it has stricken my heart. I only now wait for your
leaders, that are so far apart, to join in an Easter Prayer and Meditation, for
Peace in the mid-east and around the World, in [UNITY and LIGHT]. There is
nothing here on earth worth more than your LOVE, Unity and Brotherhood in all
Nations. As wars are raging at your door, fear not for it will pass in the
silence of the night, and your Meditational Prayers for [Peace, in the Light].
There will be no more wars, as the world leaders enter into the brotherhood of
humanity, and must strive until they have pure communication, among themselves
and all people, come togeather, A.S.A.P.
(posted April 11, 2004)
Message to World Leaders: Re:
India, Pakistan, we have definitely have a light on the India, Pakistan,
conflict and should be resolved completely in the next few months. We also got
Liberia done, and possibly the Congo and Sri-Lanka. Let's get all the wars
stopped, then unity can come and we all can work on the healing of the planet.
(posted January 7, 2004)
Message to California: My condolences out
to all the people effected by the destruction from the fires, floods, mud slides
and earthquakes. I pray for a speedy recovery, healing and send much light.
Red Cross
(posted January 5, 2004)
Message to Iran: My condolences regarding
the destruction and demise in Iran, the misfortune that came upon the good
people of Bam. My heart felt pain for what you are all going through. I pray for
a speedy recovery and healing.
Relief International
(posted January 5, 2004)
Message to Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan,
Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Congo, Sierra Leon, Indonesia, all other
countries at war: Wherever you are, stop to look up to the sky and see
the beautiful clouds sailing by, the sun setting on the horizon, the stillness
in the forest, rapids coming down the streams ,a deer staring into your eyes
and wondering why so much confusion and won't to destroy it , destruction,
everywhere. Take seeds to the small birds in the morning and plant the rest, for
a new civilization is to begin. To nourish the planet and all, within. We must
come together in spite of our personal separate realities. We all began from
the same source. The only difference is the consciousness we take. We can only
take from our own experiences that cause us to do what we are doing depending on
the way we relate to them. We can not relate in a true way unless we get into
the light, which is that truth, we call god .are you doing as god would do,
under the same situation, you find yourself. Then find peace, then you will find
your true self, or just stay stupid and destroy everything. Can't get the
concept or message? [War] What for not a single life is worth losing over
religion, or nationalism, and certainly not materialism. We must now come out of
the darkness into unity, peace and harmony. And get on the job of healing this
planet, before we are all gone off the face of this earth.
(posted December 29, 2003)
Message to World Leaders: After viewing
the news today I realized that the light is breaking through. There are just a
few more things that need attention now. One being free choice for birth control,
alternative energy and one world government, no more border lines. Once we
accomplish this we will be changing a hell into a heaven. And last of all,
Diablo Nuclear Energy Plant must be shut down now. There's a major earthquake
heading this way. Let's all of us work together to save ourselves and this
beautiful planet Earth that was given to us from creation. (originally
posted June 12, 1988)
Nepal: Peace talks must begin once again
between the rebel faction and Nepal government. There was no conclusion in the
positive in prior meetings. Wake up you can't fight forever. You need to get a
focus on the poor people of your country and stop the conflict and then much
help will come get it together. (posted October 29, 2003)
Message to Arafat: I can only hope you
will seize the moment to bring a final peace for the people of Palestine and the
people of Israel. All will celebrate the unity and peace, between their cousins
and brothers for the future of the Mideast. It is time for final peace in the
Mideast. (posted October 17, 2003)
Message to Humanity: Most of humanity is
living in fear and has been programmed that way since the beginning of our time.
Fear of one another, causing separation and division, in countries, around the
world, peoples fear, comes from the dark state of consciousness, not the light
side. There is no fear in god conscious. Until we re-program ourselves into the
light positive consciousness, where there is no fear, only truth, and love,
which binds, all of us together in that light, we will never have peace on earth
for we have no unity, only separation. It is necessary to come together, for the
healing of humanity. Regardless of our circumstances and situations we have
created. We must have complete and total communication to resolve in the
positive in order to accomplish world peace. We owe it all to mother earth,
which is god and, god's essence. (posted September 10, 2003)
Message to Chinese Leaders: You need to
work out all differences with the Tibetan leaders and come together in peace and
prosperity with all Blessings from above.. (posted July 23, 2003)
Message to Vajpayee, Kasuri and Jamali:
Congratulations on your commitment to resolve your differences over Jammu
Kashmir and other issues. Follow through until all differences are resolved into
positive agreement. May there be ever lasting peace in Asia. (posted
May 5, 2003)
Message to the U.S.: Must include South
Korea leaders in the negotiations. Gods will. Get out of the past and get into
agreement in the positive. (posted April 20, 2003)
Message to World Leaders: Stop the folly.
Humanity must mature when it comes to leadership for sure. God is love. God is
bless. God is Peace. (posted April 20, 2003)
Message to North Korea: Drop your borders.
Bring your iron fences down. Go into negotiations with no conditions and you'll
have peace. (posted April 20, 2003)
Message to Japan: Re:North Korea. Must
participate in all American negotiations. Best of luck. (posted April
20, 2003)
Message to North and South Korea: Drop
your borders, bring your fences down and rejoice in the unity of one korean
people. (posted April 20, 2003)
Message to India/Pakistan: Go into
negotiations with no conditions. Fulfill the needs and you'll have peace. Get an
agreement! God bless. (posted April 20, 2003)
Message to China: If all the messages are
accomplished you will need no buffer zone in the near future. (posted
April 20, 2003)
Message to Humanity: Haiti needs help now! (War
and Starvation)
Also, Sudan, Sierra Leon, Liberia, Zambia, Sri Lanka and Nepal!
(posted April 28, 2003)
Message to Humanity: Shut
off automobile engines when not in motion unless absolutely necessary. It may
be the only way to save ourselves from our own demise! More...
(posted April 16, 2003)
Message to World Leaders:
Darkness can not see or lead in the Light, therefore it will "war against
The power for control is self-defeating. Only the power of love through
understanding is the real way to world peace.
Love is simply the binding force of all creation. Unity & oneness for all is
the answer.
Message to World Leaders: All wars must
stop! Arial Sharon needs to give back the land bordering Isreal taken from the
war of 1967, pull back the Isreali army from Palestine ASAP and give the
Palestinians their free state! (posted Apr. 4, 2002)
Message to World Leaders: Countries that
need immediate worldwide attention for starvation! Zimbabwe,
Ethiopia, North Korea, Iraq, Palestine (posted March 7, 2003)
Message Archives
Read Rev. Baba Ito's message letters from June
'88,Jan '90, and April